EZM may be producing in Germany, but it is part of the global economy. The raw materials and operating supplies we process come from all over the world, and the products we manufacture are sold in countries spread across all continents.


This network brings with it a global responsibility.


EZM is, therefore, committed to sustainable management. This equally applies to energy and climate, social standards, and responsible management. Our actions are guided by the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


We at EZM are certain that sustainable management is the successful way to harmonise the interests of customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders of EZM along with the interests of society as a whole.


Climate and the Environment: EZM is treating earth well

EZM is involved in the joint endeavour of cutting back on CO2 and other harmful greenhouse gas emissions. We strive for responsible behaviour and demand the same from our suppliers along with constant reduction of environmental and climate impact. We analyse all of our investments for environmental and climate impact.


We keep measuring our energy consumption and determine the CO2 emissions of our products both regarding our own production processes and those of our suppliers. EZM is certified to DIN EN 14001 (environment) and DIN EN 50001 (energy). It uses recognised tools to calculate its CO2 footprint.




Social Standards: Anyone who works at EZM has a good job.

EZM is a member of the employers’ association and has a works council. More than 70% of our employees are unionised.


EZM has been a member of the employers’ association and the collective bargaining system since its founding. The number of severely disabled people in our employment is twice the rate that is legally required. We provide training and cooperate with non-profits to enable low-skilled adolescents to start jobs.


EZM makes family and career compatible with flexible work-from-home and part-time models adjusted to needs and considering individual situations – no matter if it is about returning to work, starting a family, or meeting care responsibilities.


EZM and its suppliers have committed to standards in accordance with the UN Global Compact: Discrimination, unequal treatment, exploitation and disadvantaging, child labour and forced labour in the supply chain are not tolerated.




Responsible Management: EZM does everything by the book

EZM as a family-owned company is subject to extensive reporting obligations.


Beneficial ownership is disclosed in accordance with national regulations.

All our actions are strictly within the scope of the law and based on internationally recognised good governance principles. We fully implement EU competition rules and sanction provisions.


We oppose all kinds of unfair or disadvantageous business conduct, passive and active acceptance of advantages, bribery, and money laundering.


